daisy_knotwise (daisy_knotwise) wrote,

Heading off to Capricon

Well, I need to throw a couple of things into the car and head out to the Hotel.
Tomorrow I am back in the Bank Conversion Zone, but today I set up may part of Cap.
I'm sure a good time will be had by all, but right now all I see are the things I could have done better.
Thank Heaven that Eloise will be handling the Filk at con.
Friday I will be at the bank all day. The amount of time I get to spend at the con Saturday will depend on how well things go at the bank on Friday. Sunday should be clear baring disaster.

Wish me luck!

  • Question...

    Where the heck have they hidden the spell checker now?????? GHR

  • My Precious...

    There are a lot computers in this house. My computer lives upstairs in my room. Running upstairs to quickly check e-mail or look up a recipe is not…

  • A Question...

    Do you believe in luck? GHR

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