daisy_knotwise (daisy_knotwise) wrote,

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Favorite Christmas Songs III

This one showed up in a rather forgettable Bing Crosby movie in 1959 called Say One for Me. The film was kind of dumb, but the song stuck with me.
We should all try to do some "Christmas" things all year through.

(Sammy Cahn / Jimmy Van Heusen)

It's not the glow you feel when snow appears
It's not the Christmas cards you've sent for years
Not the joyful sound when sleighbells ring
Or the merry song children sing
That little gift you send on Christmas Day
Will not bring back the friend you've turned away
So may I suggest the Secret of Christmas
Is not the things you do at Christmas time
But the Christmas things you do all year through


  • Question...

    Where the heck have they hidden the spell checker now?????? GHR

  • My Precious...

    There are a lot computers in this house. My computer lives upstairs in my room. Running upstairs to quickly check e-mail or look up a recipe is not…

  • A Question...

    Do you believe in luck? GHR

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