Friday night was the sing at our house. Most folks folded at about two, but Roper, Erica, Dave, SMAC, Andy and I carried on for another hour, than flopped on couches and chairs and chatted for another hour.
Last night we went up for the concert at Evan-'n-Alyse's and the subsequent sing. (Thanks Alyse!) Most folks folded at about two, but Roper, Erica, Dave, SMAC, ANdy and I carried on for another hour, then kissed Steve good-bye, piled in our cars and headed home.
As an added highlight to revisiting my youth, without indulging in TMI, Let's just say, being a lady-of-a-certain-age messes with your cycles and this one is the worst I've had since high-school.
I think I'll go lie down.