daisy_knotwise (daisy_knotwise) wrote,

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Album Progress

The photo shoot went well. We have a number of pictures we can make into a cover.
(Thanks Jerry, Thanks Greg!)
Roper, Dave and Erica are down in the studio trying to lay down the last of the instrumental tracks.
Recording was a no-go this afternoon as the mixing board developed a new and annoying trick that Roper was unable to diagnose and correct over the phone. Instead, Erica and I went out shoe shopping.
Perhaps I can convince Roper to post some of the photos later.


  • Question...

    Where the heck have they hidden the spell checker now?????? GHR

  • My Precious...

    There are a lot computers in this house. My computer lives upstairs in my room. Running upstairs to quickly check e-mail or look up a recipe is not…

  • A Question...

    Do you believe in luck? GHR

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