The bank has been absolutely bughouse the last few days. And Leslie went home sick Friday afternoon. I do hope she is well by Monday.
Since the Village is starting to pick up the Christmas Trees Monday Morning I started to take it down this afternoon. All the ornaments but 10 are off. I'm a touch too short to get them. Roper can get them down when he gets home tomorrow and we can take the tree out to the curb. I didn't want to do it before the 6th. Whether you call it 12th night, Epiphany or Little Christmas, it's the traditional end of the Christmas season and it was nice to have the tree up even if It was just me and the cats celebrating.
My resolution for this year is to get rid of a bunch of useless stuff and get organized. That's hard in a house where one person is a collector and the other is a pack rat.
I started on the master bathroom and threw out a bagful of expired cosmetics, lotions old enough to be separating, and perfumes I will never wear again.
As I have said before, "It may come in handy some day" are some of the most dangerous words in the English Language.
Soon I must attack the kitchen.