Last week the girls were on break. The house got, um, very lived in.
Tomorrow is cleaning lady day.
I expected to spend a quiet day doing pick-up-and-put-away while the girls were at school.
Ha Ha. I stopped to glance through my e-maill while I was looking for an address.
And I found a reminder about the holiday cookie exchange at the Girl Scout meetting this evening.
Now I had managed to not read the initial message about the cookies. So this was a total suprise.
I panicked.
Internet Boy came to my rescue.
Roper googled and found a receipe that I had and lost 30 years ago.
Melt-away cookies are mostly corn starch and powdered sugar and flavoring.
They are dirt simple to make and go together in no time.
I ran to the Jewel for ingrediants and made a batch of chocolate chip and a batch of orange spice.
And managed to get them done just in time.
I did, however, have an oops with a spatula and bent both beaters.
Later, when I have time to find the model number of my 35 y/o MixMaster, Roper will try to find replacements on the internet.
I'm tired.