daisy_knotwise (daisy_knotwise) wrote,

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She's My Kid, After All...

billroper reported recently that the girls have taken to singing. This is indeed true. But their repertoire is not limited to the Alphabet Song and Twinkle Twinkle. We have been working on "the Itsy-Bitsy Spider", and "Row Row Row Your Boat". And Katie can sing large chunks of "Cruisin'".

Today, at the grocery store, I was pushing the enormous kiddie cart that is supposed to look like a butterfly when suddenly Katie broke out into a credible rendition of "Rock and Roll is Here to Stay."

It makes a mama proud.


  • Question...

    Where the heck have they hidden the spell checker now?????? GHR

  • My Precious...

    There are a lot computers in this house. My computer lives upstairs in my room. Running upstairs to quickly check e-mail or look up a recipe is not…

  • A Question...

    Do you believe in luck? GHR

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